This is our complimentary offering, we believe in our products and know that will assist you from the start. Geared to help individuals build their core problem solving skills. It includes access to our online problem-solving course and 10 tools and diagnostics to enhance skill development.
Focused on self-starters who want to refresh or upskill resources. It includes access to 16 online performance courses and more than 150 tools for rapid application. As you are learning and applying new techniques, take the time to share the knowledge with others.
Developed for the business owner or senior leader who knows there is something more to be done in order to achieve the best version of themselves. By focusing on your individual personal and professional performance, we will take the first steps towards creating high performing habits to achieve growth. This program requires commitment to virtual and in-person coaching, supported with interactive 24/7 Mindshop Online technology.
Throughout this program you will learn to take control of your future by
Leaders of businesses and organisations who want to work on growing and improving their performance are the primary focus of this program. Together, we will identify 3 key focus areas, build a rolling 90-day plan, and connect through either semi-monthly or monthly coaching.
Ideal for those who want their entire team included in the program. This option takes businesses to the next level through tailored packages. Team members will develop a robust and ever-evolving strategic plan focused on delivering successful outcomes.
Each Change Journey package is tailored to your needs with options such as:
This is an implementation support program designed to underpin your strategic plan.
Acknowledgement of Country
As apmereke-artweye (owner) and Kwertengerle (Custodian) of our Apmere (land) Mparntwe (Alice Springs) we acknowledge all other Traditional Owners of country and their continuing connection to land, sea, culture and community. We pay our respects and commit to honouring their cultural laws and values on their various countries.
Caution: This website may contain images of and reference to both living and deceased Indigenous people from many cultures.
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